Thursday, January 26, 2006

Today is not good..

Today has been not so good in the diet department. i went 3 points over. i'm allowed 35 extra points a week so why am i beating myself up for 3 points? i'll tell you why. if i don't do that, i'll eat more. honestly, the only thing keeping me from eating a yogurt or rice cakes is me saying 'hey, 3 points over' to myself.
i'm not hungry. at all. i'm bored out of my mind actually! my best friend is in baltimore this weekend. he left today. it's not like he's gone forever, but when i see the guy every day, it's odd to have him gone. i hope he has fun and he better bring me home a gift!!

i prepacked some pretzels today and yesterday i bought some peach fresca (yum) and will enjoy that stuff for snacks. i'm also looking forward to my 3 day weekend! i took monday off (have to pick up my friend from the airport!).

anyway, hope everyone had a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go here she has a good idea for a 2 point WW snack.