Thursday, October 06, 2005

i love my OCD neighbor

the asshole ghetto white trash monkey with a mullet that lives below me needs to go.
i pruned my plants and there were some leaves that fell onto his porch. so he put them into my clay pot outside my door instead of just sweeping them into the wind and having them blow away. he PICKED THEM UP AND PUT THEM IN MY CLAY POT.
how does one deal with that? LOL. seriously. the man is a nut!!


Veronika said...

WHAT?! He lives BELOW you and comes UPstairs to put them in your pot, instead of throwing them away? Uh, yeah. He needs to go- right along with his mullet.

Jenny said...

LOL no. there's this clay pot of mine outside of my door. we have seperate entrances and my door is next to his (so i walk up the stairs inside of my apartment). yeah he's got to go. him and his bowl cut, same brown pants wearing smoking in their apartment, nasty smelling girlfriend :)

Janice said...

I think they hire an asshole for every neighborhood. It's good that you have one, otherwise it might be you. I like the suggestion of writing little notes on the leaves but then it would be his turn and he might do something really nasty. What is an OCD

Jenny said...

obsessive compulsive disorder =OCD