Friday, April 28, 2006

ahhhh moving!!

so i'm pretty tired today. i have everything packed, well except for a few things.
tomorrow morning i want to wash my sheets so i don't have to do that at my new place.
i have one more load of dishes (as soon as casey's done using one of my glasses)
in about 30 minutes i'll be taking my computer/tv over to the new place so that i can have it hooked up. which means i won't be on tonight. i move tomorrow between 11 and 1. at 745 casey and i will be watching his movers in our lawn chairs with our "umbrella drinks" lol. anyway, signing off. i'll have pictures of the new place as soon as i am moved. ciao for now.


Anonymous said...

I'd help you move but... yanno. lol. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the pictures! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in helping you move but I'm more interested in the umbrella drinks...are the pictures new place or old place>looking forward to seeing more.