Monday, February 13, 2006

weight loss for this week.....

i'm down 4 pounds for the week, for a grand total of 17 lost since i started!

i'm also down 1 point ...i have 30 points a day now instead of 31. sneaky weight watchers!

by the way, did everyone hear about our really STUPID vice president? He shot one of his friends on a hunting trip. what a dumbass!


Anonymous said...

Wow Jenny 4 pounds!!!!! That's excellent....good for you!!

Anonymous said...

way to go .... the pic of 'mr chip mouth' is recent??? your face is waaaaay slimmer in that pic hon!!!

Anonymous said...

godamn anonymous?? *L* it's me...Fi

Jenny said...

"mr. chip mouth" is at my nephew's birthday party in january.